The purpose of this task-force is to create shared vision and identify projects that the MACC can engage in to push economic development in Monett.
The purpose of this task-force is to create shared vision and identify projects that the MACC can engage in to push economic development in Monett.
Based on the Community Needs Survey, Monett residents have indicated a strong need for growth on both commercial and residential real estate development.
Our task-force is chaired by Kellie Moreland, Vice President and Senior Lender at Freedom Bank of Southern Missouri. After setting priorities and creating shared goals, the committee will focus on informing city policy and code enforcement, then consider land use, and finally facilitate important conversations with area developers. Our chamber has a partnership with the Springfield Regional Economic Partnership and they will run data and highlight key site selection areas for our efforts.
Monett, MO - a city of "Pride & Progress" is known around the area as an industrial town offering blue-collar workers an opportunity to earn a steady paycheck for work. While that much is definitely true, we are much more than that! In addition to these jobs there are also executive positions ranging from a business analyst, engineer, doctor, teacher, banker and more!
Monett is proud to be home to many companies that are frequently seeking qualified applicants.